Hair is one of the indicators of human health. Fragility, dryness and hair loss can be symptoms of a disease or the result of improper care for it.
Usually, people do not immediately notice that a problem has started. However, if this question bothers you, let's try to figure it out.
First, is hair loss always a bad thing? Of course, not.
There is a norm. Normally, hair falls out every day. It is constantly growing and have a life cycle from 3 to 6 years. Every day a healthy person loses about 100 hairs (the number is individual).
The main indicators of the norm: • Hair volume does not reduce • Dense hair structure • New growing hairs • No dandruff Therefore, it is okay if you notice hair on comb, pillow or clothes in a small amount. This is the upgrade process.
What is not the norm? The most obvious signs of the beginning of problems: • Dilution and thinning parting • Bald patches in the forehead and crown • Thin and brittle hair • Dandruff, itching, dry or oily scalp
People notice some signs immediately: for example, dandruff or itching. Some signs they notice a little later. The main thing is not to worry too much and not add stress. Stress can greatly affect the condition of the hair and scalp, and we will talk about this in the following articles. It is also not recommended to self-medicate, rub various products into the scalp and use home-made solutions. This can be the reason of skin damage, inflammation and increased hair loss.
What can you do? First you need to determine the real reason of hair loss and you will be helped by: Trichologist A specialist who can determine the reason of your hair loss. He conducts diagnostics, collects an anamnesis, sometimes prescribes additional studies or tests. If it is necessary, he directs to other specialists (endocrinologist, gynecologist, andrologist or other doctor), if the reason is a violation of the body systems.
iHairium App Right here you can determine the type and extent of hair loss. You can get the right care to improve the quality of the scalp and stimulate hair growth. And you can find out if there is a need for a face-to-face consultation with a trichologist or you can recover your hair by your own using home care.