
AGA mechanism

2023-05-16 08:56
So, what happens to the hair with AGA, why do bald patches form and the hair no longer grows?

The main symptom of androgenetic alopecia is the so-called "follicular miniaturization". In this process, the hair follicle is significantly reduced in size. The terminal long hair is gradually reduced in volume to the level of the vellus with a possible length of only one centimeter.

Over time, a decrease in the duration of the anagen phase progresses. Increased time between telogen and anagen phases. Normally, a new hair grows immediately after the old hair falls out, with AGA there is a significant delay in this period and the hair begins to grow later.

However, more attention in AGA hair loss is paid to the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone to its active form dihydrotestosterone, in men it is more active than in women. And also an important role is played by the level of hair sensitivity to DHT in androgen-dependent zones (in men - the frontal zone and crown, in women - the parting area)

Women suffering from androgenetic alopecia most often have other signs. Excessive growth of facial hair, acne, oily seborrhea. They are more likely to detect an increase in the level of androgens in the blood. In addition, women produce estrogens, which are responsible for improving hair growth on the head, which is why they show signs of AGA less often and later.