A decoction of oak bark for hair is used as an ideal remedy for combating dandruff and for general strengthening of the strands. Oak has long been considered a majestic and powerful tree, so its bark is widely used to make various decoctions, especially the English oak Quercus robur. Before use, the bark is dried and then ground into a powder. A tea or decoction is made from it, which can be applied to the body. The tea is used as a gargle for mouth ulcers, or taken internally for acute diarrhea. Rinses for curls from oak bark can be easily made independently and effectively used at home.
Oak bark contains 10 to 20 percent tannins, known for their strong astringent properties. These compounds constrict and shrink tissues and are used in traditional remedies for various skin inflammations. They are found in many types of plants as astringents, including many in strong tea and dry wine. Thanks to their properties, the skin tightens faster, is less prone to irritation and inflammation.
The advantage of using folk remedies for hair care is their low price and availability. Oak bark can be found in any pharmacy or herbal store, if desired, you can even collect it yourself. Then prepare herbal infusion from it and use it for daily care of curls. It is very important to note that the external application of oak bark has no contraindications for use.
Properties of oak bark Tannins have been proven to have excellent tanning properties. They are even often used to work with leather in the manufacture of various products. Our body reacts to tannins in a special way - inflammation and irritation go away, some types of parasites are destroyed. Trichologists recommend oak as a universal natural remedy for the treatment of dandruff. Hair is known to absorb many toxins from the environment, and oak bark has an excellent disinfecting effect. It promotes the elimination of harmful substances from the body due to the high amount of pectins in its composition.
A feature of oak bark is also the stimulation of renewal and regeneration of skin cells. The benefits of its use include restoring hair elasticity, skin rejuvenation, and improving the production of collagen and elastin. It's all thanks to flavonoids, natural repair fibers from oak bark. Complex restoration, in turn, leads to the renewal of curls, improves the appearance of the strands and facilitates their styling.
The starchy substances in the oak bark tincture will help rid the curls of oiliness, facilitate the care of skin suffering from dandruff, and help to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Oak bark is also great for dry hair due to the presence of pentazones in it. They have healing properties, save brittle strands and take care of split ends. Thanks to flobafen, a coloring pigment, oak can be used to dye hair in dark colors. It is not a strong natural dye, but can give a beautiful shade to blond hair.
Rinsing with oak bark also benefits blood vessels, improving blood circulation in the head. Thanks to additional stimulation, the hair begins to grow faster, and there are more bulbs. This is due to quartzetin, known for its ability to strengthen blood vessels. Levulin, in turn, strengthens the follicles, making the curls healthier and stronger.
According to Whole Health Chicago, commercial oak bark preparations help relieve pain and inflammation. They have a diuretic effect when taken orally, and can also strengthen the skin and improve the condition of the hair. HCA Healthcare reports that oak bark may have cancer-preventive properties, but the use of oak bark to treat cancer is not likely to happen in the near future. This is because human studies take time to demonstrate sufficient evidence of clinical benefit and safety.