
Hair falls out - what is the reason?

2022-12-03 13:08
Hair loss or alopecia can affect a specific area of the scalp or other areas, including the entire body. This process is able to take place acutely, but in addition, it tends to become chronic. Excessive hair loss occurs more often in women than in men and is usually due to hereditary conditioning, various hormonal changes or metabolic disorders. It is known that there is also physiological hair loss, which is important to differentiate from pathological. How to recognize the problem of hair loss? What factors provoke alopecia? The answers to the questions will be given below.

Symptoms of loss
Hair loss can have different manifestations. This is directly related to the cause. Alopecia can overtake you at any inopportune moment, be localized in places or all over your head.
Signs and symptoms of hair loss include:
Slow crown thinning
With age, this type of baldness becomes more common. A bald patch often begins to appear near the hairline in men. Women with age develop bald patches or fibrous alopecia, young girls are characterized by the expansion of the strand.
Bald spots round or spotty
Hair loss is characterized by itching and pain. The localization of round and spotted bald spots is concentrated on the beard, head and eyebrows.
Dramatic loss of hair strength
Physical or emotional influences cause hair to thin. Lumps can be pulled out when combing, shampooing, or even with a slight twitch. As a rule, this type of baldness is temporary.
Baldness of the whole body
Certain medical procedures, such as chemotherapy for cancer treatment, can stimulate intense hair loss throughout the body. Hair grows back over time.
Spots and peeling on the scalp
Symptoms of ringworm, which is accompanied by hyperemia, swelling, hair cut, in severe cases, bleeding.

Possible causes of hair loss
Hair loss can terrify both men and women. As a rule, from 50 to 100 hairs fall out per day, which is considered the norm. With rapid hair renewal, this mechanism occurs imperceptibly, but in the absence of growth, baldness areas become more pronounced.
The following factors can cause hair loss in bunches.

Genetic predisposition is usually the most common cause of hair loss that occurs with age. Male and female pattern baldness is called androgenetic alopecia.  

Hormonal changes
Hormonal restructuring of the body in a teenager, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause in women, as well as age-related changes in the hormonal background in men (the reaction of hair follicles to the hormone dihydrotestosterone) are a common cause of hair loss. A few weeks after giving birth, women complain of hair loss along with the bulb, which is associated with increased fatigue, stress, insufficient sleep, as well as nutritional errors and an imbalance of microelements in the body. During menopause, a woman's body also undergoes hormonal changes, metabolism decreases, as a result of which the hair follicles are not fed enough and weaken.

Thyroid diseases
Thyroid disease is a common cause of hair loss. Too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism) can cause hair loss at the roots. With timely treatment, the hair stops falling out in clumps. Signs of hyperthyroidism include: increased sweating, weight loss, tremor, anxiety. Hypothyroidism is characterized by a slowdown in metabolism and an increase in body weight.

Physical and psychological stress
Temporary baldness and thinning hair can be caused by physical or emotional distress. A history of surgery, exposure to high temperatures, blood loss provoke a stressful state of the body, which is fraught with hair loss. Anxiety or psychological disorders can contribute to baldness. By changing your lifestyle, you can overcome psychological stress.

To improve the general condition of the body will help:
regular physical activity
proper nutrition
elimination of stress factors

Side effects from medication
A large number of side effects are caused by taking medications. The most common cause of very severe hair loss is chemotherapy.

The following pharmacological agents can also cause baldness:
✔ some oral contraceptives
✔ anticonvulsants
✔ Thyroid medications
✔beta blockers