
Placenta in care products

The placenta is a unique formation that plays an important role in the development of the embryo and maintaining its life support inside the mother’s body. It is a kind of link between mother and fetus, ensuring the transfer of nutrients and oxygen from the maternal bloodstream to the embryo.

However, along with this main function, the placenta also has many beneficial properties for the human body. Its unique composition includes a rich complex of proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. That is why it is widely used in cosmetics and care products.

The placenta has unique properties that help improve the condition of the skin and hair. It stimulates cell renewal, improves blood microcirculation and provides additional nutrition to the skin.

The placenta is actively used in shampoos and other hair care products. Helps strengthen hair, prevent hair loss and stimulate new growth. In addition, it has a moisturizing and nourishing effect, helps restore hair structure, making it healthier and stronger.

In addition, placenta has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which allows it to cope with various skin problems such as acne, redness and irritation. It also helps improve skin elasticity and even out skin tone.

Processing the placenta for use in creams usually involves several steps:

  • Placenta Collection and Cleanup: Placenta is usually collected after the animal gives birth. The placenta must be collected fresh and transported to the production plant without delay. The collected placenta may contain traces of body fluids and materials. Therefore, the first step is to thoroughly clean the placenta.
  • Disinfection and Decomposition: After cleaning, the placenta is disinfected to kill bacteria and germs. This can be done using various methods such as heat treatment, chemical treatment or the use of ultraviolet irradiation. The placenta can be dried or crushed into smaller particles using special equipment to improve the availability of the active components of the placenta.
  • Extraction, filtration, and purification: To obtain a placenta extract, various techniques can be used, including placing the placenta in a solvent (such as water or alcohol) or applying pressure and vacuum to extract beneficial substances from the placenta. The placenta extract is filtered to remove any remaining placenta
  • Addition to Cream, Mixing and Packaging: After processing, the placental extract is added to the cream base or other cream ingredients such as oil or water. After adding the placental extract, all ingredients of the cream are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

Like any other cosmetic product, placental products must be used in accordance with the instructions and adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations. If you have scalp diseases, it is better to consult a trichologist to select medicated shampoos and lotions.