
Hair coloring during pregnancy

Pregnancy and hair coloring! A topic that worries all pregnant women and those planning a pregnancy.

Many stylists, as well as doctors, forbid pregnant women to dye their hair, or allow it, but only a couple of times during pregnancy. Let's see if it is possible to dye your hair during pregnancy, how harmful it is or is it all a myth.

There are two opinions on this issue:
Firstly, modern hair dyes are less toxic and their components do not penetrate into the woman's blood, or they enter in a small amount that does not cause harm to the fetus.
Secondly, paint components enter the bloodstream and can harm the fetus, and inhalation of toxic paint fumes can adversely affect pregnancy.

Today, not a single full-fledged study has been conducted that would officially confirm the adverse effect of hair dye on the body of a pregnant woman and the health of her baby, so it’s not worth saying 100% that the paint is harmful. That is why, most often, doctors agree that if the pregnancy proceeds normally and without complications, then it is permissible to dye your hair, and preferably in the second trimester.

Components to watch out for in paints:

  • Ammonia - inhalation of vapors often causes irritation to the eyes and respiratory tract, leading to coughing, watery eyes, nausea and vomiting.
  • Resorcinol is a toxic component that can cause irritation and itching.
  • Hydrogen peroxide - can cause a burn on the skin and cause a persistent allergic reaction
  • Paraphenylenediamine - causes contact dermatitis and most often with a strong and persistent course, which is difficult to stop in pregnant women
  • Eugenol is a toxic substance used as a fragrance in hair dyes and has a toxic effect on the immune system, causing allergies and irritation.

So, even if we exclude the fact that the dye components get into the blood, there are several points why it is worth refusing or limiting hair coloring during pregnancy.

The quality of hair during pregnancy changes and after dyeing, an unexpected result may occur, and this may disappoint the expectant mother.

Hair dye, even the softest, contains chemical components and can cause irritation and an allergic reaction in pregnant women, since during pregnancy the body is more susceptible to external influences.

Inhalation of paint vapors during application can provoke weakness and deterioration of the pregnant woman.

If you decide to dye your hair during pregnancy, you should follow a few important rules:

  • It is better to contact a specialist and choose a professional hair dye with the safest possible composition.
  • When dyeing your hair at home, stay in a well-ventilated area and do not leave the dye on for more than 20 minutes.
  • Use natural dyes (henna, basma) when combined in different proportions, you can get the desired shade and paint over gray hair.
  • Use washable hair tonics, this will allow you to change your image often without harm to health.
  • Listen to your condition during staining, do not stay in one position for a long time.
  • Check the composition on one strand and be sure to test for an allergic reaction.