
Zinc is salvation for hair

It is very difficult to overestimate the role of zinc in our body. It is contained almost in all body organs and tissues, is involved in antioxidant and immune protection, regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, improves tissues’ regeneration and affects the quality of vision.

A special influence of zinc can be noted on the skin and hair. Zinc is responsible for regulating the division of hair follicle cells, skin regeneration and reduces the production of sebum. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and inhibits the activity of 5-alpha reductase.

The human body does not store zinc for future use, therefore, with insufficient intake to food, a deficiency may occur.

The main sources of zinc:
  • Sprouted wheat grains, pumpkin and sunflower seeds
  • Plants rich in chlorophyll (onions, spinach, watercress)
  • Mushrooms
  • Meat and liver
  • Nuts
  • There is little zinc in vegetables, berries and fruits.

In many scientific works on the treatment of diffuse and androgenetic hair loss, they pay attention to the inclusion of zinc drugs in the complex treatment. Studies have shown that when taking dietary supplements with zinc, hair loss stopped and hair growth was noted.

Zinc is actively used in the treatment of seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis and acne, due to the suppression of sebum production and anti-inflammatory effect.

However, please keep in mind that with prolonged use of zinc drugs, copper absorption is disturbed and its deficiency occurs, that is why it is important to take zinc under medical supervision.